Sunday, December 2, 2012

Peacemaker Steve

On Sundays I meditate on this saying of Jesus: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.   

Here is Steve, one of my buddies and a man I really respect. I got to sit in on Steve's small group of 4th graders at church this morning.

Steve is holding a rubber snake and a sledgehammer. He smashed the snake's head flat - which of course the kids loved. Me too. 

What's he trying to teach?

After the serpent deceived Adam and Eve, and they ate the fruit they weren't supposed to, God said: Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust  all the days of your life. and I will put enmity  between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush 
your headand you will strike his heel.

Sounds cryptic.

The main point: the offspring (Jesus) will crush the serpent (Satan) at some point in the future. Steve explained that this is the reason Jesus came to earth - to set in motion the end of evil, where only goodness will remain, and we will be with God.

Paul encouraged the early followers of Jesus with this same idea: The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.

Obviously God doesn't see "soon" the same way I do. None the less, He will ultimately get rid of evil and we will live in peace with Him.

Do I believe all this is true, and it's not just a myth? I'd be crazy not to. Every time I read the bible and put what it says into practice, my life gets better.

Do I understand why it all has to be this way, why evil needs to be here now? Not really - but I'm trying to.

Why does Steve spend his time teaching kids this stuff? Because he's a peacemaker. He wants to see these kids have the chance to get connected to God. I've known him a long time - and I know he genuinely loves them.

Blessed is Steve Irvine, for he will be called a child of God.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Troy for finding a way to connect your thoughts to this side of life. I too am glad God put peacemakers among us so we could get a look at heaven even if it is through the dirty lens of this life. There are so many things I just do not understand but its ok to dig in and try to appreciate the Lord and what He did for all mankind. May each day be a step closer to heaven (even if it does not make sense).


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