About Me

Welcome to my blog.

This is a journal of my thoughts, mainly about God and my understanding of Him. I write to get a better grasp on what I actually believe. This process, along with some other spiritual disciplines, helps me clarify my thinking. 

I live in the Portland Metro Area  of Oregon, and I feel very lucky to have grown up here. It's one of the best places on earth to live. 

The single most significant thing that's happened in my life is becoming a believer in Jesus Christ. It happened my senior year of high school when I was 18 - and I have never been the same. Since then (I'm 50 now) I've been trying to understand who God is and what the implications are for me. Many other very important things have also occurred: college, marriage, kids, career, friends.

Here is my family, the most important people in the world to me:

As you look around my site, please feel free to give me feedback. You can either leave a comment below, or email me at ttfweb@gmail.com. 


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