Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thursday - Hunger and Filling

On Thursdays, three ideas come together in my spiritual practice: The fourth statement in the Lord's Prayer; The fourth Beatitude; The fourth day of creation:

- God please fill me with what I need
- I'm hungry for good, and will be filled
- God fills the sky (the void) with sun, moon and stars to mark time.

My heart is hungry for good, and God will fill it.

After spending the first three days of the week considering how I'm in chaos, I now move to three days of being in a good state. I focus on growth and giving to others. I think the void in the creation story can signify the void I have inside of me. There are times I really want things to be right and good - especially with my kids.I get hungry for good to come - both in what I receive and what I can do.

Specifically, I pray for all those people I believe are not connected to God. I don't presume to know anything about someone's heart - I only know what I see. I also don't pray that they would "become like me", but rather that God would approach them and bless them.

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